Hi everybody! Here I´m again. This time I would like to explain how my peer-group is. But firstly, what do I understand as a peer-group? Obviously, my friends, whom I spend my free time with. This group was borned six years ago, more os less, but we knew each other from school. One of our main habits is meting all together on fridays evening/night and make different plans, such as going to a bar to take a coke or going to the disco. It´s something we try to respect every week, because it´s the perfect way to keep in contact. Actually, we prefer going to a bar, in order to share what we have done during the week and how we feel. We are all girls, and that affects a lot, because we really love to gossip and our conversations are full of laughts and funny comments.
On the other hand, it´s really annoying when some of us doesn´t come to our appointment. At least, if she has informed about it, we will try to understand. The problem cames when somebody doesn´t let us know that she can´t came. We take offence and, on the following week, we ask her why she didn´t appear. We are used to that situation, so we look after to this point constantly.
In relation with boyfriends (a very interesting point), we do have a "norm". The relationship and the possible future conflicts belong only to that person. I mean, for example, if one of my friends split up with a boy, who is, at the same time, a friend of mine (not of the same peer-group), we try to get used to the situation and I have no problems with keep being friend of that boy. Well, that sounds quite good, but, in fact, it´s not exactly like that. In some occasion, we have a terrible row because of a breakdonwn. One of us split up with her three-years boyfriend, and other two continue making plans with him. Althougt we were supposed to respect our norm, we didn´t understood the situation and we all get very ungry with those two. We didn´t even notice them our plans or birthday´s parties. However, as long as we have grow up and change our mentality, we have learnt to be sympathetic.
In terms of status, there are also differences. That´s a reality in every group. The question is which are those factors the status depends on. In this specific case, I think they depend on the attitude we have and the participation we take in the activities we planned. So there exist "the funny girl", "the sensitive girl", "the character girl", etc. But, obviously, they aren´t all considered the same. It´s quite better to be "the funny girl", participate every time we meet and having brilliant ideas. If you achieve all these different skills, your popularity is insured. Furthermore, if you are not an active member and you are always discussing what to do, you´re not only going to be interviewed, but also criticized. To be realistic, we all want to be in the highest position...
In an anecdotal way, I´m going to share with you a very original idea we had a few years ago which make us feel more friends than ever before. We started going with a group of boys, all very atractive and interesting, of course. And we were so thrilled about it that we created a " private club", where each of us had different things to do. There were a president, a president´s secretary, advisers and active members. In addition, we elaborated "the statutes of the club" and identify cards for everyone. It was an incredible experience, because we have so much fun that I can´t find word to express it.
To sum up, I would like to say that I really love my friends and I enjoy a lot spending my free time with them. We are a very funny group, as I explained before, and that´s what I need. The status, norms, etc. are inevitable characteristics but not harder enough to make us feel uncomfortable.
A little of fun is enough...
fantastic writing. i liked your descriptions of the different characters. keep it up.
ResponderEliminarPostage:81 VENENO o nome é VACINA para os IDOSOS fizeram 1 COQUETÉL para alcançar à Todos,isto é o PROGRAMA de DESPOPULAÇÃO MUNDIAL
ResponderEliminar90-oFIM d´MUNDO;oComeço d´Historia d´HOMEM ea CONTAGEM ds TEMPOS desd,ADÁM e KHAV-HYM,o1ºhomem & 1ª mulher – PARAISO
SAÚDE, PAZ ea ciência dos santos eo AMOR eternos dos criadores. hab-hY = rab-Rym . Vamos eleger os REIs-ETERNOS-PODERES. amnáo, Amém AssimSeja. SHALON a todos
Postage:81 VENENO o nome é VACINA para os IDOSOS fizeram 1 COQUETÉL para alcançar à Todos,isto é o PROGRAMA de DESPOPULAÇÃO MUNDIAL Começou a vacinação noticia dada no JORNAL d SBT 26/04/2011 manhã. a VACINA h1n1 chamada de VACINA SUINA faz parte deste coquetel confira na MÍDIA d hoje no SBT...abra,oARQUIVO NAO TOMEM a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-OgRxfZChA&feature=grec_index nº1VACINA H1N1 diz DAVID ICKE ABRA o LINK no http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4bhwgXsbzA_--nº2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmKkpfUGKCI_nº3_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmKkpfUGKCI&feature=re lated_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXIHV7hOGE_nº4_http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/acf/rm/10romanos;10;8-10_Abra_o_LINK_DIZ_o_CRIADOR:_TODO_AQUELE_que_INVOCAR_o_Meu_nome_rab-RYM,será_SALVO_de- TODOS_AQUELES_q_INVOCAREM_não_se_PERDERÁ_um_Só_q_SEJA_eu_O_teu_CRIADOR¬¬_sou_o_Amnáo-
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=N%C3%83O+TOME+A+VACINA+H1N1+DIZ+DAVID+ICKE&aq=f.... nãotome a VACINA H1N1 diz DAVID ICKE euO teu CRIADOR sou o Amnáo.Estando BATISADO no ESPÍRITO SANTO;_faça¬_uma_DETERMINAÇÃO_DENTRO_da_PALAVRA_e_EU_digo_Amináu_doutor_David_Icke_H_1_N1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDx5KCbDsIE_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E19FThMH29s Não tome a vacinaH1N1 d gripe suína:DIZ DAVID ICKE.flv:AbraLink- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u0Jmo6ee64 H1N1 a VACINA_ASSASSINA_eas_perguntas_q_ninguém_responde-Parte6_+_http://www.tempofinal.com/prepare-se_n8. htm_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3NBEA5yTXQ a VacinaAssassina h1n1 www.tempofinal.com + o CODEX ALIMENTARIUS_os_ALIMENTOS_serão_usados_como_ARMAS_CONTRA_os_HUMANOS_plano_da_DESPOPU LAÇÃO__http://www.tempofinal.com/prepare-se_n7.htm__http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/acf/mt/6_Abra_o_Link_no YouTube.com_http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/acf/mt/6__http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/acf/rm/10_v.8_abra_O_Link_ no_http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/acf/rm/10_v.8__ABRA_o_Link_no_YouTube.com,_fale_com_o_rab-RYM-rod http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/acf/is/7v.14_http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/acf/mt/1,23_PEÇA_IMPLORE,CLAME,ORE http://www.tempofinal.com/prepare -se_n1.htm#_http://www.tempofinal.com/oamanha-hoje.htm AJUDE a seára é grande vão perecer 2/3 dois terços dessa população atual mais d 7 bilhôes leia,e-mail:Postage 81 AJUDE a DIVULGAR esta REVELAÇÃO vão perecer esta profetizado mesmo com esta OBRA MARAVILHOSA agenda21 codex_alimentarius_http://www.tempofinal.com/prepare-se_n7.htm#_ Abra _o_site_no_Youtube VOCÊ_não_ GOSTOU_d_MENSAGEM,ENVIE_para_uma_PESSOA_q_você_AMA_ouGosta_e_VOCÊ_será_ABENÇOADO,se VOCÊ_ENVIAR_pra_uma_pessoa_q_VOCÊ_ODEIA,_a_BENÇÃO_SERÁ_DOBRADA_e_RECEBERÁS_o_GALAr DÃO_de_PROFETA_Amnáo:_Amináu:_Amém:_AssimSeja.EU_SOU_o_AMNAO.SHALON._um_Pregador_católico http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMirFU5QLmU&feature=player_embedded_Denuncia_a_DITADURA_gay_caso- VocêTenha TOMADO eou TER SIDO VACINADO,COLOQUE em PRATICA o MAPA da MINA, EM ANEXO EOU- EIS os ARC´ANJOS do rab-RYM-rul ,q lutam por Você: ANA-RUL: anjo d Revelação + GABRI-RUL + MIGU-RUL: guerreiro ORIFI-RUL +RAFA-RUL:guia: SAMU-RUL + ZACARI-RUL,são LIDERES de MIRÍADES de ANJOS CELESTIAIS o rab-RYM- rul-nosso, manushua@gmail.com ,